
Friday, September 6, 2013

Life Update

Well, as you all may know, we celebrated our 3rd anniversary on September 1st.
We had a nice dinner at Lola's Seafood, just about two miles from the house.
Lol I had to share this one too.. Look how curious Chino always is. He never wants to be left out of something :)

With summer wrapping up in a few weeks, you can start to feel the difference outside.. Although it stays hot hot hot here almost year round, there's a fall-ish type of feel outside.
Bring on the pumpkin flavored everything!!
Oh also, I've been so excited to share this: a huge congrats to my honey for his promotion. Here's a picture moments before his interview.. Got to loveee a man in uniform.
Just in case you thought I was just joking around about Chino:


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