Thursday, September 12, 2013

Breakfast Eggrolls

Good Morning friends!
I just love a hot cup of coffee on a rainy morning.
Why don't we ever have egg rolls for breakfast?
Stuffed with cheese, veggies and eggs, sounds like the perfect breakfast for me..

  • (8) wonton wrappers
  • 1/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 green pepper, diced
  • (1) sweet onion, diced
  • (3) slices turkey bacon, crumbled
  • (2) eggs
  • salt and pepper
Add diced peppers and onions to med-high heat in a skillet.
Season with salt & pepper.
Cook up your turkey bacon (I just throw mine in the microwave).
Shred the bacon and add it to the skillet.
Turn the heat down to low at this time.
Add your eggs, season with salt and pepper.
I just love these wonton wrappers.
Place your cheese down..
Add your skillet mixture.
Wrap and place on a greased pan to bake.
Spray the egg rolls before placing them in the oven.
 Bake at 400degrees for 16 minutes.
 They even show you a little wrapping guide :)
Reminds me of when Subway wraps up their subs.. lol

MmmmmM look how crispy the edges are.
Serve with salsa, ketchup or I had mine with sour cream.
P.S. The boyfriend tore up 5 of these. This is how I know they're blog-worthy ;)


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