
Friday, December 6, 2013

Thanks for Giving.

Happy belated Thanksgiving friends. 
We celebrated on Sunday this year because of everyone in the family being so busy.
I actually enjoyed this because we got to go to a few people's houses and grub on Thursday, then by the time Sunday rolled around, I was ready for Thanksgiving again!

Chino was excited his momma was making some baked goods with his favorite, marshmallows.

Doesn't Craig look thrilled? The Dolphins were playing and we were ACTUALLY winning. 

The cute sign Brenda had on the fridge.

Brenda's amazing ham, turkey and my sweet potato casserole. 

Not because I was the one following the recipe, but this was the best sweet potato casserole I've ever tasted. I usually try breaking down recipes and making them healthier, but I figured hey, it's the holidays.. load up on the butter and brown sugar.
Get the recipe here.

I wish I got more shots of the food but everyone dug in seconds after I got this shot.I was in charge of deviled eggs, sweet potato casserole and pecan pie. Brenda had the ham and turkey. Sam brought the sweets. Sarah is always in charge of the cheesy potatoes and Joyce had the green bean casserole and corn bread casserole.

Brenda and Ron. Craig's parents. 

Now we've finally gotten our tree. Time to decorate! Happy Holidays everyone!

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